Where There's a Will, There's a Way

  • By Fatima Bey The MindShifter
  • 22 Dec, 2022

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Many years ago, I was the Alterations Manager for what was one of the nation’s busiest bridal shops. It became increasingly difficult to find qualified seamstresses. As is common with alterations in the United States, most of the people in my department were from another country. I eventually began hiring from a local refugee group. These are all people who came to this country under different circumstances. Many of those circumstances were war or the like. As anyone would when they first arrive in a foreign land, they did not yet speak the language of this land. They were not yet fluent in English. I would sometimes do interviews with people that did not speak English, nor did I speak their language. Yet I was able to decipher who to hire, who to not hire, and administer a sewing test.

You may be wondering how in the world I did that. Well, where there’s a will there’s a way. I was determined to find trainable employees with good work ethics. I was equally determined to help new people to this country become self-sufficient or at least be given the chance to. During the interview process what I was looking for was attitude, willingness to take initiative, and basic sewing ability. We did not need to speak the same language for me to see that. In fact, how they handled being interviewed while not being able to speak the same language was most of what I needed to see. Did they at least try to find a way to understand or communicate back to me or did they just sit there like a lump and use the language barrier as an excuse to not even try? THAT spoke volumes to me. When it came to the sewing test, this could be nerve-racking for anyone, English-speaking or not. What I was looking for was a willingness to try and capability level at being trained at the level of sewing needed. Everything else could be taught. One of the stipulations I had for hiring them is that they had to be taking English classes. Although they may not yet have been fluent in English, they had to be willing to get there. If they were willing to meet me halfway, I was willing to train them. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Communicating with them was a challenge at first. It became less of a challenge once I switched my thinking and thought of communication as more than just words. I was determined to have them understand. This also meant being equally determined to understand them to ensure I was answering questions. All it required was determination, patience, the willingness to try new ways, and all in that order. I would pick up items in the room or point out something on the alterations form and teach them how to say it in English. They would also figure out a way to ask a question they didn’t yet know how to say in English. They would physically point to things or demonstrate what they were trying to say. Together, we would figure it out. I would then teach them how to say what they meant in English, for the next time. There was almost always a sense of “yay” when the communication was complete. These sorts of things would happen daily. Eventually, some of those refugees I hired became very fluent in English, worked directly on a professional level with customers, and even stayed at the bridal shop for years. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

None of this would have happened if I wasn’t able to think outside of the box. People call it “language barriers”. Language is only a barrier if you allow it to be. Instead of seeing language as a barrier, I saw it as a challenge. It was a challenge that needed to be met in order to get to that goal of getting them gainfully employed while getting the employees I needed. Where there is a will, there is a way. Sometimes, you may need to think outside of the typical box in order to find that way.

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Definition of hindrance: 
  • a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
Sometimes the people we think should be in our lives are the very ones hindering us from moving forward. What do I mean? How does that happen? Let me explain.

Is there anything you used to do that you no longer do and it's a good thing that you no longer do it? Is there a way you used to think and you no longer think that way? Are there places you used to go or hang out in that you don't anymore? These things happen with growth. Those who aren't growing with you might not understand.

A recovered alcoholic is a great example  of this. Let's call him Bob. Bob used to hang out at the bars with a certain group of friends. They would also hang out at the same houses. They would drink themselves silly regularly. Alcoholics don't usually just drink in groups, they usually drink alone too. One day Bob decides to be more productive with his life and wants to stop drinking. He eventually wins that battle, which is not easy. Some of Bob's old drinking buddies don't like or understand why he's not hanging out with them anymore. They accuse him of being uppity and a bad friend. If Bob were to listen to these "friends", he would feel bad about his own recovery. He would feel bad about this great accomplishment. He might even fall back into old habits by listening to them. Should he? Of course not! 

What should you do when this happens to you? Move on! You may not have been an alcoholic, but you have something or old ways in your past that you don't want to be held to. You may find that, as you grow, some of your old friends may not be your friends anymore. This is not a bad thing. Some of them will hold you back by holding you to your old self or old mentality. That's the exact opposite of what you need. Some of those people you grew up with may be the ones I'm talking about. Some may even be relatives. Generally speaking, if they can't GROW WITH you, they can't GO WITH you! If people want to keep holding you to your former self, they are stuck in your past. You should leave them there, since they refuse to move. Replace them with people that are where you are headed. Replace them with people who will help you grow. Some of these people are not ill intended, but they will hinder you none the less. You can't change the past. Surround yourself with those who understand that and are focused on your future.
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I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I am constantly sharing words of wisdom on social media. Here, I will be able to expand on that wisdom in more detail and share my insight on the world. Come back frequently to see what's new.

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