Deal With It

  • By Fatima Bey The MindShifter
  • 16 Nov, 2022

Sometimes there are things that we just hate. They are difficult or annoying. They make us uncomfortable, cause bad feelings or force us to confront deep issues. We just want to feel good and not have to deal with them. So, let’s just avoid those bad feelings or uncomfortable situations. I mean, if we ignore them they’ll go away. Right? If only life worked that way, but it doesn’t.

Let me explain how it does work. Let’s say Megan scuffed her knee. The skin is scraped off a little and it hurts, but she doesn't want to wash it off or put any type of antiseptic on it because it hurts to touch it. She is also afraid that putting any antiseptic on it will sting. So, she just leaves it and moves on with her life. She figures it’s just a scratch and it will heal itself. A couple of days later, it seems to hurt a bit more. Eventually this knee area is now red and inflamed. Although it now hurts more, she doesn't go to the doctor’s because she knows that it’s going to hurt when they have to touch it. Plus, there’s a copay and a deductible she would have to pay and she doesn’t need any more bills. It’s pretty ugly by now but she just keeps it covered so that no one can see how bad it is. Since the body heals itself it will eventually go away, right? What do you think happens next? Her knee swells up so bad that she can now hardly walk and it looks disgusting. She finally goes to the doctor who informs her that if she had waited any longer this infection would have poisoned her blood, which is life threatening.

In the medical world this scuff on her knee would be called an abrasion. Most mild abrasions will heal quickly, but some deeper abrasions may lead to infection or scarring. It's important to treat the wound right away to reduce the risk for infection or scarring. Megan could have simply cleaned up the wound right away and avoided all of the subsequent pain and potential threat to her life that followed. When she ignored her wound, she allowed an infection to get started. The more she ignored it, the more the bacteria were having a field day in her body, eventually spreading, and impairing her ability to use her leg normally. This all started with a small scuff that was never dealt with.

Now, most of us would not do what Megan did. We would simply clean off the wound right away and put a bandage on it so that it wouldn’t get infected. Simple common sense, right? As common sense and simple as that concept is, we are often doing what Megan did in other areas of our lives.

The issues in life you are not dealing with are like that infection in Megan’s knee. You can ignore them, but they are not going away. In fact, the more you ignore your issues, the bigger they grow. Don’t think for one second that they are not affecting you. They are! Every issue you are not dealing with is growing and infecting your life. Sometimes this happens in relationships. When I say relationships, I mean of any kind, not just the romantic ones. We ruin relationships because we won’t have a conversation that we know may be uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as that initial conversation may be, it’s far less uncomfortable than the infection it turns into later. The sooner you face it, the sooner it can be dealt with. That childhood issue that you have never really faced and dealt with is affecting you right now. It’s affecting your mindset or way of thinking. Your way of thinking is affecting your behavior. Your behavior affects every area of your life. It may hurt to have that conversation or confront the uncomfortable, but it’s worth it to avoid infection.

I ask you this: What are you avoiding right now? Whatever just came to your mind, big or small, go deal with it. Start that conversation or whatever it is needed to initiate facing it. Only then can you start to heal the wound that’s already there or prevent one from getting started. There’s a freedom and sometimes peace that comes after you’ve dealt with it. The next time you find yourself hesitating about dealing with something you don’t want to, I want you to remember Megan’s wound that turned into something it didn’t need to. Then recite out loud “Deal with the issue or the issue will deal with you”.

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Definition of hindrance: 
  • a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
Sometimes the people we think should be in our lives are the very ones hindering us from moving forward. What do I mean? How does that happen? Let me explain.

Is there anything you used to do that you no longer do and it's a good thing that you no longer do it? Is there a way you used to think and you no longer think that way? Are there places you used to go or hang out in that you don't anymore? These things happen with growth. Those who aren't growing with you might not understand.

A recovered alcoholic is a great example  of this. Let's call him Bob. Bob used to hang out at the bars with a certain group of friends. They would also hang out at the same houses. They would drink themselves silly regularly. Alcoholics don't usually just drink in groups, they usually drink alone too. One day Bob decides to be more productive with his life and wants to stop drinking. He eventually wins that battle, which is not easy. Some of Bob's old drinking buddies don't like or understand why he's not hanging out with them anymore. They accuse him of being uppity and a bad friend. If Bob were to listen to these "friends", he would feel bad about his own recovery. He would feel bad about this great accomplishment. He might even fall back into old habits by listening to them. Should he? Of course not! 

What should you do when this happens to you? Move on! You may not have been an alcoholic, but you have something or old ways in your past that you don't want to be held to. You may find that, as you grow, some of your old friends may not be your friends anymore. This is not a bad thing. Some of them will hold you back by holding you to your old self or old mentality. That's the exact opposite of what you need. Some of those people you grew up with may be the ones I'm talking about. Some may even be relatives. Generally speaking, if they can't GROW WITH you, they can't GO WITH you! If people want to keep holding you to your former self, they are stuck in your past. You should leave them there, since they refuse to move. Replace them with people that are where you are headed. Replace them with people who will help you grow. Some of these people are not ill intended, but they will hinder you none the less. You can't change the past. Surround yourself with those who understand that and are focused on your future.
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I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I am constantly sharing words of wisdom on social media. Here, I will be able to expand on that wisdom in more detail and share my insight on the world. Come back frequently to see what's new.

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